Dopo molti mesi di attesa, finalmente si è riaperta la possibilità di svolgere un’esperienza di volontariato in Palestina attraverso il programma EU Aid Volunteeers (progetto SuD HAV 2)
ASPEm cerca quindi un volontario da inviare presso Human Supporters Association a Nablus, per svolgere attività di supporto educativo con bambini e ragazzi tra giugno e dicembre 2019.
La selezione è aperta a tutti i cittadini dell’unione europea o cittadini di paesi extra-UE con residenza di lungo corso in un paese dell’unione, maggiorenni, senza altri limiti di età.
Le candidature vanno inviate entro le ore 12:00 del 13 gennaio 2019.
Qui sotto tutte le istruzioni per presentare le domande.
Requested Profile: Junior EU Aid Volunteer – Raising awareness and education
Country: Palestine – Nablus
Period: 6 months (June-December 2019)
Project description:
The volunteer will be inserted in the Palestinian Alternative Education Programme, working with disadvantaged children and youths using alternative more student-focused educational methods.
The volunteer will work for the Human Supporters Association, which operates psycho-educational and psycho-social projects and intercultural programs, such as The School Support Programme which targets 120 underachieving boys and girls a year by educating them in English, Arabic and Maths using alternative educational methods.
Operational details & security context:
The volunteer will live and work in Nablus city, in the northern West Bank, which includes three refugee camps, eight towns and 43 villages and is home to approximately 316.000 people.
In Palestine there are different religions, Christians, Samaritans, and Muslims (the latter constituting the majority). There are several social and religious codes in Palestine, which can differ across cities and villages, between Palestinians there are no ethnic differences.
There are no problems concerning different ethnicities within Palestine; people participate in all the social events and occasions.
- Create educational activities for children and youth aged 7-18
- Assist in the preparation of school support programmes and workshops
- Organising and teaching classes in the volunteers mother tongue
- Organising cultural days based on the volunteer’s native culture
- Activity reporting
- Inter-volunteer trainings in relevant volunteer skills
- Partnering with other organisations in relation to education, fundraising, etc.
- Preparing and conductive educational and/or recreational activities based on the volunteers own unique skills
- Summer camp activities with children (theatre, gymnastics, handcrafts, etc.)
Required competences:
- English language: ability to communicate in English
- Ability to work with disadvantaged and difficult children
- Interest in alternative education
- Experience working in a team
- Adaptable to changing situations
- Basic IT skills
- Ability to work under pressure and stress
- Ability to generate interesting educational scenarios in a creative manner
Eligibility and exception criteria:
The candidate for EU Aid Volunteers must be a citizen of the EU or a third country national who is a long-term resident in an EU Member State, and must have a minimum age of 18 years.
The selection process is based on equal opportunities for all people and all candidatures will be treated similarly.
Minimum Requirements:
- Bachelor’s degree or similar
Learning Opportunities:
Ongoing Arabic language training, cultural and historical information.
Working conditions:
The volunteer will receive information from HSA prior to arrival detailing various cultural and social issues. They will then participate in an initial orientation program where they will be given a tour of Nablus, introduction to Palestinian culture, and an introduction to the Arabic language which can be prolonged through the stay.
The volunteer will work 6-7 hours per day and 30-35 hours per week. The weekend runs Friday to Saturday, HSA opens from Sunday to Thursday (8:30-5:00). HSA closes on the major religious and national holiday/days (11 days per year).
There is a staff meeting once a week or as required. The mentor of the Volunteer and the HSA director have overall responsibility for volunteer. The volunteer will work with the HSA team and with other volunteers.
Living conditions:
The volunteers will stay in a hostel arranged by HSA. Living facilities are basic. Male and female volunteers will share same living area with separate rooms. There will be dorms/private or twin sharing rooms, it include all the basic services.
The volunteers can use a shared taxi of 7 passenger to travel to other cities (from 5:00am to 9:00 pm), or buses (6:00 am to 5:00 pm). Inside the city volunteers can use yellow private taxi (about 2.50 Euro) or yellow-black shared taxi (about 0.60 Euro).
During their free time volunteers can participate in cultural events or visit various parks or do things with other volunteers such as travelling to other parts of the West Bank.
HSA will help the volunteers buy a SIM card.
Financial conditions:
EU, Sending and Hosting organizations will cover costs for:
- Travel
- Accommodation
- Vaccinations
- Visa
- Medical checks before and after deployment
- Training
- Insurance during deployment
Each EU Aid Volunteers will receive:
- Monthly subsistence allowance of 489 € (calculated on the local living costs)
- A resettlement allowance of 100 € per each month of service
Application process:
To apply for this position please:
All documents must be received by January 13, 2019 at 12:00 (CET).
Documents submitted by e-mail shall mention your name and the exact title of the EU Aid Volunteers vacancy you apply for in the subject. Attachments shall be named in as it follows: Name-Surname_SAQ_Palestine (for self-assessment questionnaire) and Name-Surname_CV_Palestine.
*Please note that each form is made of multiple sheets, so make sure you fill in all parts.
Selection process:
- January-February 2019: the pre-selected candidates will have an on-line interview with ASPEm and HSA. Only pre-selected candidates will be contacted.
- By February: the candidates interviewed will know if they are pre-selected to participate to the pre-departure training (online -1 month- & face to face -2 weeks- organized by the European Commission).
- Between March and April 2019: the pre-selected candidates will participate to the online and face-to-face pre-departure trainings.
- The final selection announcement will be done after the pre-departure trainings by the beginning of May 2019.
- Selected candidates will participate in the induction training in Cantù, Italy, in May 2019.
*Please be aware that this schedule is only tentative and the actual dates for selection, training and deployment may change depending on the actual availability of training sessions and the duration of visa application processes for the different destinations, etc.
** Be informed that additional candidates may be shortlisted for a single position and proposed for the EU Aid Volunteers training. This is to ensure that for each position, substitute volunteers may be chosen to replace the candidate in case he or she resigns or is no longer available. Where more than one candidate has been shortlisted for a single position, final selection takes places following the training.
For information: